Wednesday 18 March 2015

Raymond Chandler, George and Sonia Orwell

Over on The Orwell Society website there is an interesting article by L(ee) J Hurst on Raymond Chandler, George and Sonia Orwell. A brief snippet can be read below.

I’m an English Public School man myself and knew these birds inside out. And the only kind of Public School man who could make a real detective would be the Public School man in revolt, like George Orwell" Chandler wrote in a letter in October 1951.

When Chandler came to Britain he reported "Sonia somebody [Orwell] … said that I was the darling of the British intellectuals and all the poets raved about me and that Edith Sitwell sat up in bed (probably looking like Henry IVth, Part 3) and read my stuff with passion."

The rest of the article can be read on The Orwell Society website.

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